African Agency in a Changing World: Embracing Opportunities and Navigating Challenges
In 2024, Melbourne Social Equity Institute is pleased to again be supporting the African Studies Group's annual conference.

Wednesday 02 Oct 2024 - Friday 04 0ct 2024
Please direct all enquiries to
The African Studies Group, in collaboration with the School of Social and Political Sciences, the University of Melbourne Chancellery, and Melbourne Social Equity Institute, presents its Annual International Conference:
African Agency in a Changing World: Embracing Opportunities and Navigating Challenges
The African Agency Conference aims to convene scholars (including students, faculty, and researchers), advocates, practitioners, policymakers, and community members from both within and outside Australia. The conference serves as a platform for dialogue on the diverse methods through which Africans demonstrate agency, spanning from individual and local community initiatives to global engagement.
When: Wednesday, 02 October to Friday, 04 October 2024
Where: Online and in-person, University of Melbourne
Call for Papers Has now ended

Academics and graduate researchers
The call for papers has now ended
Sunday, 15 July 2024, at 11:59 AEST.
We invite papers and presentations proposals as well as descriptions of creative works of up to 300 words on any related topic but particularly those focused on African Agency and contribution to global affairs as categorised into sub-themes in the concept note.
Practitioners and community members
If you encounter any challenges with the registration, have questions or wish to propose roundtables or creative work that you are unsure about how it might fit into the conference, contact the African Studies Group via
The conference's focus is deliberately broad and flexible because it seeks to showcase, celebrate, and encourage African academic, cultural, and creative initiatives. So reach out; there is room for your masterpiece.